What You Must Know About Your Right to Your Spouse’s Retirement Benefits

What You Must Know About Your Right to Your Spouse’s Retirement Benefits

If you’re part of a blended family (meaning you are married with children from a prior marriage in the mix),...
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How to Talk Money With Your Family Over The Holidays

How to Talk Money With Your Family Over The Holidays

The holidays are right around the corner, which means more time to gather with family and relatives than any other...
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Transition to Adulthood: What Happens Legally When My Child Turns 18?

Soon after the challenges of puberty and the excitement of high school, an even larger milestone looms: the 18th birthday....
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The Scary Truth: Naming Godparents Does Not Create Legal Guardians

As a parent, your top priority is the well-being and future of your children. You plan for their education, health,...
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Year-End Tax Planning Starts Now: 8 Things To Do Now to Lower Your 2023 Taxes – Part 2

Last week we looked at four different ways to lower your tax liability for 2023, from adjusting your tax withholding...
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Year-End Tax Planning Starts Now: 8 Things To Do Now to Lower Your 2023 Taxes – Part 1

It might seem a bit early to think about your 2023 taxes, but as the year draws to a close,...
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Flu Season Fundamentals: How to Keep Seniors Safe This Fall

The fall season is a beautiful time of year, but it also marks the beginning of flu season, which can...
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Got Minor Kids? 3 Instances When Your Estate Plan Must Include A Kids Protection Plan®

Got Minor Kids? 3 Instances When Your Estate Plan Must Include A Kids Protection Plan®

As a parent, you have probably thought about the importance of naming permanent legal guardians for your child in case...
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From ‘I Do’ to ‘What If’: Estate Planning Must-Do’s for Newlyweds – Part 2

Getting married and starting a new chapter in your life is an exciting time. It’s also a time that requires...
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From ‘I Do’ to ‘What If’: Estate Planning Must-Do’s for Newlyweds – Part 1

Wedding season is winding down, and if you are newlyweds or are planning to tie the knot soon, it’s time...
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